Col  Vuelta a Colombia, Prologue : Barranquilla I.T.T. (6,6 km) 28/07/2007  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader COL  BOTERO ECHEVERRY Santiago UOT 07'37" 2 
 1. COL  BOTERO ECHEVERRY Santiago UOT 07'37" 4 
 2. COL  GARCIA FERIA Jhon Freddy - 14" 2 
 3. COL  LOPEZ MARIN Juan Carlos - 15" 1 
 4. COL  OCHOA PLAZAS Israel Antonio - 15" 0 
 5. COL  GONZALEZ MARTINEZ Fredy Excelino CEP 15" 0 
 6. COL  PEREZ SUAREZ Jairo - 19" 0 
 7. COL  DUARTE AREVALO Fabio Andres CLM 21" 0 
 8. COL  NIÑO CORREDOR Victor - 23" 0 
 9. COL  CASTRO RODRIGUEZ Alexis de Jesus CEP 23" 0 
 DQ COL  NIÑO CORREDOR Libardo - 08" 0 

  Race Comment  

Libardo NINO CORREDOR (Col) initially ended 2nd in the Prologue, but tested positive for the use of EPO after the Pan American Games Time Trial. He is therefore disqualified from this stage and does not earn any CQ points.


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