Ita Diadora - Pasta Zara (DPZ) - UCI
Twitter: @TeamDiadoraZara
Sports Director: ZILIUTE Diana (LTU)
Ass. Sports Director: SIMONETTI Maurizio (ITA); PICCOLO Aldo (ITA)
Representative: FABRETTO Maurizio (ITA)
Riders Guest Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
UKR ANDRUK Alona11/06/19878910751256  Contract until 10/06
SLO BATAGELJ Polona07/06/19895224016078  Contract until 10/06
ITA BORGATO Giada15/06/19891227779176 
ITA BRONZINI Giorgia03/08/1983775119522 
ITA CALLOVI Rossella05/04/199149251-- 
LTU CESULIENE (CILVINAITE) Inga14/02/19861267570198 
ITA D'ETTORRE Alessandra08/05/19781207721748  
ITA DONATO Giulia26/09/199280139342 Contract until 24/06
LTU JANELIUNAITE Edita16/12/19884041326934 
USA PIERCE (RAIS) Amber25/03/19813851429430 
LTU SILINYTE Agne12/04/19912423124640 
ITA STEFANI Francesca25/01/1991--7565 
ITA TAGLIAPIETRA Alice08/03/1993----  
  Number of riders: 13  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2012.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2012.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2012).
(D) Points at the end of 2012).

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