Fra BigMat - Auber 93 (BIG) - CONT
Twitter: @Auber93Bigmat
Sports Director: JAVALET Stéphane (FRA)
Ass. Sports Director: GALLOPIN Guy (FRA); GAUDRY Stéphan (FRA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
FRA BACON Romain08/03/199017481320888 
FRA BACQUET Fabien28/02/198640116371578 
FRA BAZIN Nicolas09/06/19832632325094  
FRA BILLON Alexandre15/08/1991--27313  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA DASSONVILLE Flavien16/02/1991--130925 
FRA DRUJON Benoît03/06/19859065380265 
FRA DRUJON Mathieu01/02/1983113433372164 
FRA FAUCON Guillaume13/12/198698945149319 
FRA LE BOULCH Dimitri20/02/19898036623925  
FRA ROSSETTO Stéphane06/04/198781764387157 
FRA TRONET Steven14/10/1986271240542110 
FRA VIMPERE Théo03/07/199029511134024 
FRA YSSAAD Yannis25/06/1993--30361  Trainee as from 1/08
  Number of riders: 13  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2013.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2013.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2013).
(D) Points at the end of 2013).

27/07/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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