Ita Liquigas - Bianchi (LIQ) - PRO
Website: -
General Manager: AMADIO Roberto (ITA)
Sports Director: DAMIANI Roberto (ITA); ZANATTA Stefano (ITA); MARIUZZO Dario (ITA)
Ass. Sports Director: SCIREA Mario (ITA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
SUI ALBASINI Michael20/12/1980311184436151  
ITA ANDRIOTTO Dario25/10/197285140101841 
SWE BÄCKSTEDT Magnus30/01/197597471195307  
SUI CALCAGNI Patrick05/07/197721625361796 
ITA CAPECCHI Eros13/06/1986--150717 Trainee as from 1/08
FIN CARLSTRÖM Kjell18/10/1976320177491135 
ITA CIONI Dario David02/12/197440757279231  
ITA CIPOLLINI Mario22/03/196768861363182 
ITA COLLI Daniele19/04/1982--82263 
ITA DA DALTO Mauro08/04/1981--19059  Trainee as from 1/08
ITA DI LORENZO Alberto22/04/1982---- Trainee as from 1/08
ITA DI LUCA Danilo02/01/19763384331795 
ITA GARZELLI Stefano16/07/19733979289488 
SUI GASPAROTTO Enrico22/03/1982--119425 
ITA GEROSA Mauro09/10/197430918670083  
SWE LJUNGQVIST Marcus26/10/1974268210183321 
ITA LODA Nicola27/07/197175451124627  
ITA MASON Oscar25/05/197557885--  
CRO MIHOLJEVIC Vladimir18/01/1974286196292219  
ITA MILESI Marco30/01/19707555187057  
ITA MIORIN Devis24/03/197651710086857  
SLO MUGERLI Matej17/06/198159181528123 
ITA NOE Andrea15/01/1969195275381176
BRA PAGLIARINI Luciano Andre Mendonça18/04/1978424129429158  
ITA PELLIZOTTI Franco15/01/19784472743715 
ITA RIGHETTO Marco25/11/1980--22615  
ITA SIRONI Gianluca28/06/197484141138520  
GBR WEGELIUS Charles26/04/197875751557113 
ITA ZANOTTI Marco21/01/1974166318186317  
  Number of riders: 29  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2005.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2005.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2005).
(D) Points at the end of 2005).

27/07/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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