Fra Crédit Agricole (C.A) - TT1
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Sports Director: LEGEAY Roger (FRA)
Ass. Sports Director: MARIE Lionel (FRA); BEUCHERIE Serge (FRA); ROUX Denis (FRA); LAURENT Michel (FRA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
FRA ARASSUS David04/10/198316716--  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA AUGE Stéphane06/12/1974427131138410 
AUS BATES Gene Michael04/07/1981--90932  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA CHARPENTEAU Yoann04/01/197917765124415  
FRA FEDRIGO Pierrick30/11/197821128160675
SUI FRAGNIERE Cédric16/02/19765448960576  
FRA GUIBOREL Julien03/11/1980---- Trainee as from 1/08
FRA HERVE Cédric14/11/197990033--  
FRA HINAULT Sébastien11/02/1974457120333172  
NOR HUSHOVD Thor18/01/1978157365121406 
FRA JEGOU Lilian20/01/19767794583339  
NZL JENNER Christopher03/11/197436615867662  
NOR KAGGESTAD Mads22/02/19777145783139 
FRA LE MEVEL Christophe11/09/19801721516395 
FRA LEBLACHER Eric21/03/1978--66464 
SWE LJUNGQVIST Marcus26/10/197448666111218 
FRA MOREAU Christophe12/04/19718849039774 
FRA MORIN Anthony27/06/1974417135109220  
AUS O'GRADY Stuart06/08/197312441843723 
FRA POILVET Benoît27/08/1976292199403138  
AUS SWEET Corey25/11/19767495016275  
FRA TOURNIER Yann26/10/1978136712104023  
GER VOIGT Jens17/09/19717352541762 
  Number of riders: 23  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2003.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2003.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2003).
(D) Points at the end of 2003).

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