21/06/2000 UCI ID: 10049809076  
  Adria Mobil
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  Date   Cat.       Rank   Race   CQ  
2024 Adria Mobil
 15/09/20242.1Tur 86Tour of Istanbul0 
 23/06/2024NC5Srb 4National Championships Serbia (Beranovac) R.R.4 
 24/05/20242.2Alb 6Tour of Albania7 
 24/05/20242.2sAlb 5Tour of Albania, Stage 5 : Vlore - Fier0 
 22/05/20242.2sAlb leaderTour of Albania, Stage 3 : Elbasan - Vlore2 
 21/05/20242.2sAlb leaderTour of Albania, Stage 2 : Korce - Elbasan2 
 21/05/20242.2sAlb 3Tour of Albania, Stage 2 : Korce - Elbasan1 
 20/05/20242.2sAlb leaderTour of Albania, Stage 1 : Tirana - Korce2 
 20/05/20242.2sAlb 1Tour of Albania, Stage 1 : Tirana - Korce4 
 28/04/20242.PSTur 122Presidential Tour of Turkey0 
 11/02/20242.1Tur 138Tour of Antalya0 
 8/02/20242.1sTur 10Tour of Antalya, Stage 1 : Manavgat - Antalya0 
  Total 2024: 22  
2023 Adria Mobil
 13/09/20232.1sSvk OOTTour de Slovaquie, Stage 1 : Kosice - Kosice0 
 29/08/20232.2sBul 7Tour de Bulgaria, Stage 4 : Kazanlak - Burgas0 
 25/06/2023NC5Srb 2National Championships Serbia (Beranovac) R.R.10 
 23/06/2023NCT5Srb 2National Championships Serbia (Erdevik) I.T.T.4 
 26/05/20232.2sFra 4Tour de la Mirabelle, Stage 1 : Verdun - Pont-à-Mousson0 
  Total 2023: 14  
2022 Elite-2
 14/09/20222.2sSrb 2Tour de Serbie, Stage 1 : Pozarevac - Mionica2 
 4/09/20222.2Bul 7In the footsteps of the Romans6 
 4/09/20222.2sBul 5In the footsteps of the Romans, Stage 2 : Banya - Razlog0 
 3/09/20222.2sBul 9In the footsteps of the Romans, Stage 1 : Banya - Razlog0 
 31/08/20222.2sBul 8Tour de Bulgaria, Stage 4 : Sliven - Burgas0 
 30/08/20222.2sBul 10Tour de Bulgaria, Stage 3a : Troyan - Gabrovo0 
 28/08/20222.2sBul 8Tour de Bulgaria, Stage 1 : Sofia - Plovdiv0 
 9/08/20222.2sRou 9Tour of Szeklerland, Stage 1 : Debrecen - Debrecen0 
 2/07/2022XXAlg 6Mediterranean Games (Oran) R.R.0 
 24/06/2022NCT5Srb 4National Championships Serbia (Erdevik) I.T.T.0 
 4/06/20222.2Alb 9Tour of Albania4 
 4/06/20222.2sAlb 5Tour of Albania, Stage 5 : Gjirokaster - Fier0 
 3/06/20222.2sAlb 6Tour of Albania, Stage 4 : Vlore - Gjirokaster0 
 2/06/20222.2sAlb 2Tour of Albania, Stage 3 : Elbasan - Vlore2 
 1/06/20222.2sAlb 4Tour of Albania, Stage 2 : Korce - Elbasan0 
 31/05/20222.2sAlb 5Tour of Albania, Stage 1 : Tirane - Korce0 
 17/04/20222.1Bih 97Beograd - Banja Luka0 
  Total 2022: 14  
2021 Elite-2
 12/09/20212.2sSrb 6Tour de Serbia, Stage 4 : Prijepolje - Cacak0 
 5/09/20212.1Rou 62Turul al Romaniei / Romanian Tour0 
 28/08/20211.2Mne 3Adriatic Race8 
 6/08/20212.2sRou 10Tour of Szeklerland, Stage 3 : Sfantu Gheorghe - Sfantu Gheorghe0 
 5/08/20212.2sRou 5Tour of Szeklerland, Stage 2 : Odorheiu Secuiesc - Ciuc0 
  Total 2021: 8  
2020 Elite-2
 12/09/2020NC5Srb 1National Championships Serbia (Kraljevo) R.R.15 
 7/09/20202.1sBih 6Beograd - Banja Luka, Stage 4 : Derventa - Banjaluka0 
 7/09/20202.1Bih 44Beograd - Banja Luka0 
  Total 2020: 15  
2019 Elite-2
 9/11/20192.2sChn 10Tour of Quanzhou Bay, Stage 2 : Shishi - Fengze0 
 2/08/20192.2sSrb 7Tour de Serbia, Stage 4 : Mionica - Pozarevac0 
 7/07/20192.2Bul 10In the footsteps of the Romans3 
 6/07/20192.2sBul 7In the footsteps of the Romans, Stage 1 : Banya - Razlog0 
 30/06/2019NC5Srb 4National Championships Serbia (Kraljevo) R.R.4 
 16/06/20192.1Hun 58Tour of Hungary0 
 14/06/20192.1sHun 19Tour of Hungary, Stage 3a : Kazincbarcika - Tiszafüred0 
 26/05/20191.2Ukr 9Horizon Park Classic2 
 3/05/20192.2sTur 9Tour of Mesopotamia, Stage 2 : Mardin - Sanlurfa0 
 21/04/20192.1sBih DNFBeograd - Banja Luka, Stage 4 : Prnjavor - Banja Luka0 
  Total 2019: 9  
  Overall total: 82  

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