Fra  Tour Alsace, Stage 2 : Riedisheim - Ferrette (152,7 km) 25/07/2024  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader FRA  DELETTRE Alexandre AUB 3h38'53" 2 
 1. FRA  DELETTRE Alexandre AUB 3h33'57" 4 
 3. NOR  NORDHAGEN Jørgen VLD 07" 1 
 4. ITA  BIAGINI Federico VBF 07" 0 
 5. GBR  KOERDT Bjoern - 07" 0 
 6. FRA  DELBOVE Joris AUB 07" 0 
 7. FRA  ROLLAND Brieuc CGF 07" 0 
 8. ITA  MARTINELLI Alessio VBF 07" 0 
 9. FRA  CAPRON Rémi VRR 07" 0 
 10. FRA  ROULAND Louis ABB 07" 0 

  Race Comment  

Tom DONNENWIRTH finished 1st in this stage but was relegated to 2nd place for irregular sprinting.


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