Victory Ranking 2017


Previous 100

  Rank       Rider   Team   Date of birth   Victories  
801.USA PUTT Tanner-21/04/19921
802.BLR PAPOK Siarhei-06/01/19881
803.RUS ZUBOV Matvey-22/01/19911
804.AUS STANNARD RobertTBV16/09/19981
805.FRA NAVARRO Corentin-29/11/19971
806.NED HEUSINKVELD Hans-18/05/19761
807.PHI GALEDO Mark John Lexer Guevarra7RP11/09/19851
808.GBR SMITH James-25/04/19901
809.HON TORRES BURGOS Jorge Antonio-07/02/19901
810.ESP FONT BERTOLI Joan-31/08/19851

Previous 100

Counting for Victory Ranking:
- Individual Races on the UCI calendar (+ ex-ProTour races)
- Duo Time Trials

Not counting for Victory Ranking:
- Races not on the UCI calendar (exception: ex-ProTour races)
- Team Time Trials
- Subrankings (Points, Mountain)

29/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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