Bra  Volta do Estado de São Paulo, Stage 3 : São Carlos I.T.T. (11,3 km) 22/04/2008  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader BRA  NAZARET Magno Prado SCF 7h56'28" 2 
 1. BRA  NAZARET Magno Prado SCF 14'42" 4 
 2. BRA  PANIZO Gregolry Alves Freitas - 03" 2 
 3. BRA  NICACIO Pedro Autran Dourado Dutra SCF 12" 1 
 4. BRA  WEBER Cleberson Almeida - 21" 0 
 5. URU  DIRENNA SATTLER Miguel Angel - 21" 0 
 6. BRA  BULGARELLI Otavio Didier - 24" 0 
 7. BRA  MORANDI Mauricio SCF 25" 0 
 8. BRA  SANTOS Adriano Martins - 26" 0 
 9. BRA  SEABRA Renato Martins SCF 27" 0 
 10. BRA  RIBEIRO Walter Miguel - 32" 0 
 DQ BRA  TAVARES Luis Carlos Amorim Ferrao - 14'39" 0 

  Race Comment  

Luiz TAVAREZ (Bra) initially won this stage and was leader, but tested positive for the use of Methyprednisolone. He is therefore disqualified from this stage and does not earn any CQ points. Besides, Tavarez was given an official warning by the UCI, but no suspension.


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