Bra  Volta do Estado de São Paulo, Stage 2 : Sorocaba - São Carlos (230,2 km) 21/04/2008  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader ARG  SIMON Edgardo SCF 7h41'24" 2 
 1. ARG  SIMON Edgardo SCF 5h43'17" 4 
 2. ARG  CHAMORRO PAIVA Francisco Ramon -  2 
 3. BRA  SILVA Kleber Ramos -  1 
 4. BRA  DOMINGUES Diego Muller -  0 
 5. BRA  PINTO Marcio Jerosch -  0 
 6. URU  FERNANDEZ Vagner Geovane -  0 
 7. ARG  BORRAJO Armando Ariel -  0 
 8. BRA  SILVA Glauber Alexandre Nascimento -  0 
 9. BRA  NASCIMENTO Antonio Roberto Xavier -  0 
 10. BRA  MONTEIRO Gideoni Rodrigues -  0 
 DQ BRA  SERPA Raphael Henriques Mancini -  0 

  Race Comment  

Raphael SERPA (Bra) initially was 9th in this stage, but tested positive for the use of Methyprednisolone. He is therefore disqualified from this stage. Besides, Serpa was given an official warning by the UCI, but no suspension.


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