Mex  Vuelta Mexico, Stage 4 : Guadalajara Circuit 16/09/2008  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader NZL  CHADWICK Glen Alan TT1  0 
 1. ESP  BENITEZ ROMAN Jose Alberto SDV  0 
 2. SRB  DER Zsolt CZP  0 
 4. MEX  VALDEZ CALVA Jose Carlos -  0 
 5. ITA  DI NIZIO Sante HAD  0 

  Race Comment  

Stage 4, raced on a circuit in Guadalajara, was stopped due to heavy rainfall. A few hours later, the race has been continued, but many riders refused to start as a protest against the dangerous course.
The jury decided that none of the results of this stage counted for the general classification. Therefore, no CQ points were given in this stage.


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