Crc  Vuelta a Costa Rica, Stage 5 : Palomo - Paraiso I.T.T. (19,6 km) 22/12/2017  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader CRC  VILLALOBOS SOLIS Roman Daniel LAA 15h57'12" 2 
 1. CRC  VILLALOBOS SOLIS Roman Daniel LAA 30'02" 4 
 2. CRC  SALAS SANCHEZ Brian Alonso - 52" 2 
 3. CRC  BONILLA QUIROS Daniel Andres - 01'45" 1 
 4. CRC  CHAVARRIA RODRIGUEZ Joseph Eladio - 02'17" 0 
 5. COL  CALA CALA Aristobulo BSM 02'33" 0 
 6. CRC  MORERA AVILA Isaac - 02'39" 0 
 7. COL  MUÑOZ PEREZ William David BSM 02'49" 0 
 8. CRC  QUESADA ALVAREZ Orlando Esteban - 02'50" 0 
 9. CRC  MOYA RAMIREZ Sebastian - 02'53" 0 
 10. MEX  SANTOS MORENO Efren CAS 03'03" 0 
 DQ CRC  ROJAS VILLEGAS Juan Carlos - 29'45" 0 
 DQ CRC  ROJAS VILLEGAS Cesar Andres - 01'17" 0 
 DQ CRC  VARELA ZUÑIGA Yewinson Leandro - 01'44" 0 
 DQ CRC  HUERTAS ARAYA Jason Andrey - 02'50" 0 
 DQ CRC  FERNANDEZ TORRES Vladimir - 03'06" 0 

  Race Comment  

Juan Carlos ROJAS (1st and Leader), Cesar Andres ROJAS (4th), Yewinson VARELA (5th), Jason HUERTAS (8th) and Vladimir FERNANDEZ (9th) were disqualified from this stage as they tested positive during the race.


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