Dom  Vuelta Independencia Nacional, Stage 8b : Santo Domingo I.T.T. (10 km) 26/02/2012  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader DOM  SANCHEZ JIMENEZ Nelson Ismael - 25h08'48" 2 
 1. CAN  LANGLOIS Bruno - 12'28" 4 
 2. DOM  SANCHEZ JIMENEZ Nelson Ismael - 10" 2 
 3. ECU  NAVARRETE NAVARRETE Segundo Mesias - 12" 1 
 4. COL  OYOLA OYOLA Robigzon Leandro EPM 16" 0 
 5. PUR  ORTEGA RIVERA Efren - 23" 0 
 6. DOM  PEREZ PEÑA Jorge Luis - 23" 0 
 8. DOM  SANCHEZ BERIGUETE Augusto - 26" 0 
 9. USA  HARTRICH Coulton - 28" 0 
 10. COL  BELTRAN SUAREZ Edward Alexander EPM 34" 0 
 DQ DOM  DELGADO CAPELLAN Marcos Miguel - 24" 0 

  Race Comment  

Marcos DELGADO finished 8th in this stage, but tested positive for Boldenone after the 6th stage. He is therefore disqualified from this stage.


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