Chi  Vuelta de Chile, Stage 7a : Concepcion I.T.T. (17 km) 3/02/2011  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader CHI  MANSILLA ALMONACID Luis Miguel - 15h04'11" 2 
 1. ARG  GIACINTI Jorge Alberto - 19'57" 4 
 2. CHI  MANSILLA ALMONACID Luis Miguel - 02" 2 
 3. CHI  SEPULVEDA VILLAR Luis Fernando - 06" 1 
 4. COL  ARANGO CARVAJAL Edwin Leandro - 09" 0 
 5. CHI  MUGA WEGENER Vicente - 24" 0 
 6. CHI  CABRERA TORRES Antonio Roberto - 27" 0 
 7. CHI  CESARIO FARIAS Enzo Bruno - 28" 0 
 8. COL  ROLDAN ORTIZ Weimar Alfonso - 41" 0 
 9. ARG  GODOY CENTENO Sergio Daniel - 42" 0 
 10. CHI  HAZBUN VELASQUEZ Ricardo Javier - 52" 0 
 DQ CHI  ARRIAGADA QUINCHEL Marco Antonio - 19'46" 0 
 DQ CHI  MEDINA ANDRADE Jose Alfredo - 52" 0 

  Race Comment  

Marco ARRIAGADA initially won this stage and was leader, but tested positive for stanozolol in 4 stages in this race. Jose MEDINA finished 9th, but tested positive afterwards. Both riders were therefore disqualified from this stage.


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