Chn Qinghai Tianyoude Cycling Team (TYD) - CONT
Sports Director: MAO Shengming (CHN)
Ass. Sports Director: ZAO Jianming (CHN)
Representative: LI Yan (CHN)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1CHN DONG Xiaoyong2.682,80180
2AUS HOLLANDS Edmund John1.858,80130
3CHN LIU Jie1.665,80110
4INA PRASETYA Heksa Priya513,8040
5AUS SPIBY Dylan1.262,8090
6CHN TIAN Gesu000
7CHN WANG Xin1.455,7090
8CHN WEI Yuan000
9CHN WU Peilun2.682,80180
10CHN WU Shengjun2.682,80180
11CHN XUE Bin000
12CHN YANG Qisheng000
13CHN ZHANG Jinde824,0050

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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