Lux RadioShack - Leopard (RLT) - PRO
General Manager: GUERCILENA Luca (ITA)
Sports Director: GALLOPIN Alain (FRA)
Ass. Sports Director: ANDERSEN Kim (DEN); DEMOL Dirk (BEL); LARRAZABAL ARBAIZA Josu (ESP); AZEVEDO Jose Bento Carvalho (POR); MEERSMAN Luc (BEL)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1BEL BAKELANTS Jan9.459,7058905
2NZL BENNETT George10.857,7071205
3USA BUSCHE Matthew13.062,7083363
4SUI CANCELLARA Fabian11.484,10741461
5BEL DEVOLDER Stijn8.946,9055253
6LUX DIDIER Laurent10.886,4072114
7FRA GALLOPIN Tony11.201,5070542
8BEL HERMANS Ben10.657,0066299
9GER HONDO Danilo11.486,807083
10USA HORNER Chris5.505,60351122
11ESP IRIZAR ARANBURU Markel12.679,6083120
12LUX JUNGELS Bob8.071,4053372
13USA KING Benjamin7.667,205219
14CRO KISERLOVSKI Robert12.603,7082371
15GER KLÖDEN Andreas9.288,7061361
16POR MACHADO Tiago Jose Pinto11.650,1076407
17BEL MONFORT Maxime11.489,4073392
18ITA NIZZOLO Giacomo9.673,2061440
19POR OLIVEIRA Nelson Filipe Santos Simoes10.045,406673
20UKR POPOVYCH Yaroslav13.105,0083136
21SUI RAST Gregory13.028,1082180
22AUT ROHREGGER Thomas5.939,503830
23NZL ROULSTON Hayden10.178,306676
24LUX SCHLECK Andy10.072,706599
25NZL SERGENT Jesse10.212,2066161
26GER VOIGT Jens11.623,907771
27ESP ZUBELDIA AGIRRE Haimar11.451,7072149

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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