Rsa MTN - Qhubeka (MTN) - PCT
Twitter: @teammtnqhubeka
General Manager: RYDER Douglas (RSA)
Sports Director: ZEMKE Jens (GER)
Ass. Sports Director: LACAMBRA Manel (ESP); CAMPANA Thomas (SUI); CAMPBELL Kevin (RSA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1RSA AUGUSTYN John-Lee1.824,00130
2GER CIOLEK Gerald10.908,6069309
3ERI DEBESAY Ferekalsi Abraha5.188,203327
4RSA DOUGALL Nicolas1.656,00109
5GER GERDEMANN Linus9.189,8060111
6ETH GRMAY Tsgabu Gebremaryam6.629,104370
7CZE HNIK Karel3.601,102151
8RSA JANSE VAN RENSBURG Jacques10.403,7069113
9RSA JIM Songezo6.497,30390
10LTU KONOVALOVAS Ignatas10.348,4064150
11ERI KUDUS Merhawi Gebremedhin7.816,6050225
12RSA MEINTJES Louis9.594,3063280
13RWA NIYONSHUTI Adrien5.893,403812
14ESP PARDILLA BELLON Sergio9.245,5061255
15RSA POTGIETER Bradley914,3050
16ALG REGUIGUI Youcef7.530,604830
17GER REIMER Martin5.756,30335
18ERI RUSSOM Meron Alem183,0010
19ITA SBARAGLI Kristian12.828,2076339
20GER STAUFF Andreas11.101,1067109
21ERI TEKLEHAIMANOT Daniel Girmazion10.102,6069100
22ERI TEWELDE Jani Weldegaber116,0010
23RSA THOMSON Jay Robert11.334,3072108
24RSA VAN NIEKERK Dennis12.103,807275
25RSA VAN ZYL Johann10.522,206219
26RSA VENTER Jaco13.168,308280
27RSA WESEMANN Martin9.000,105325

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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