Por L.A. Aluminios - Pecol (LAP) - TT2
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  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
2POR CASTANHEIRA Bruno Miguel Gomes000
3POR COLAÇO Luis Miguel Mendes000
4BRA FREITAS Cassio Paiva000
5POR GOMES Joaquim Augusto Oliveira000
6POR LOPES Pedro Miguel Gonçalves000
7POR MATIAS Raul Lopes000
8POR MOTA Fernando Manuel Santos000
9POR RODRIGUES Alexandre Teixeira000
10POR ROSA Jose Agostinho Ribeiro000
11POR SEVERINO Vitor Nelson Ferreira000
12MDA SOURKOV Youri000

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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