Por Kelly - Simoldes - UDO (KSU) - CONT
Website: bikecp.pt
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1COL BUSTAMANTE RUDA Adrian Camilo610,2045
2POR DIAS Daniel Filipe Vilar795,8050
3POR FERREIRA Antonio Manuel Sousa2.355,70160
4POR FONTE Cesar Andre Lima2.523,20172
5POR GOMES Luis Gabriel Silva2.556,801843
6POR GONÇALVES Helder Pimenta2.355,701610
7POR LEAL Tiago Manuel Ferreira795,8050
8POR MOREIRA Francisco Luis Tavares000
9POR PETIZ Carlos Manuel Silva000
10POR SILVA Afonso Miguel Martins2.355,70160
11POR SOUSA Jose Miguel Teles1.727,40121

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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