Chn China Jilun Cycling Team (JLC) - CONT
Website: -
Sports Director: LI Daling (CHN)
Ass. Sports Director: CAI Zhihuai (CHN); MA Yongyao (CHN); CAI Yonghui (CHN)
Representative: TANG Weirong (CHN)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1AUS DAVIS Samuel000
2AUS HALL Bradley000
3AUS HALL Stephen000
4AUS HARRIS Glenn000
5AUS IRVINE Mathew000
6CHN JIANG Enbo000
7CHN LI Menglong000
8CHN LIU Heng000
9CHN LIU Zhangan5,5010
10CHN QI Liangyou000
11AUS REPACHOLI Douglas000
12AUS ROBSON Brad000
13CHN ZHANG Nan000
14CHN ZHANG Yuanxin000

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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