Bra Funvic - Pindamonhangaba (FUN) - CONT
Sports Director: JUNIOR Benedito Tadeu Azevedo (BRA)
Ass. Sports Director: MANSO Francisco Miguel (BRA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1URU AGUILAR FIGUEIRA Hector Fabian1.062,60723
2BRA ARRUDA Henrique Ribeiro000
3BRA ARSENO Alex David Mayer000
4BRA BUENO Douglas Moi1.062,6070
5ARG CRESPO Marcos1.062,60720
6BRA FIORILLI Tiago699,5050
7BRA JUSTO Tiego Gasparotto529,5040
8ARG MEDICI Matias1.149,80915
9BRA NASCIMENTO Antonio Roberto Xavier000
10BRA NAZARET Magno Prado27,20115
11BRA SANTOS Flavio Cardoso000
12BRA SANTOS Nilceu Aparecido000
13BRA SIDOTI Breno França27,2010
14BRA SILVA Adelio Paulo1.062,6070
15BRA SILVA Roberto Pinheiro000
16BRA SILVA Thiago Santos Frade000
17BRA SOUZA Ezequiel Riderson000
18BRA VANDEIRA Verinaldo Pereira184,00114

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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