Por Antarte - Feirense (CDF) - CONT
Website: cdfeirense.pt/site/ciclismo
Twitter: @FeirenseCycling
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1POR AMADO Gonçalo Duarte Basilio2.699,60185
2POR BARBOSA Joao Paulo Brito000
3POR EULALIO Afonso Oliveira205,3010
4POR FERNANDES Venceslau Sousa2.726,10180
5POR FERREIRA Antonio Manuel Sousa2.530,60180
6ESP GARCIA DE MATEOS RUBIO Vicente2.533,901715
7POR OLIVEIRA Fabio Marcelo Pinto2.931,401920
8POR SAAVEDRA LEITE Joao Bernardo Pereira000
9POR SILVA Bruno Duarte Ferreira2.705,40180
10POR SILVA Rafael Jorge Magalhaes2.931,40193

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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