Nzl Black Spoke Pro Cycling (BSC) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1NZL BATT Ethan997,4061
2NZL CURRIE Logan1.059,6078
3NZL FOUCHE James1.809,501015
4NZL GATE Aaron636,70558
5NZL KENCH Joshua822,4058
6NZL MCCORMICK Hayden218,6024
7NZL MCCULLOUGH Dylan44,2010
8NZL MUDGWAY Luke1.969,20117
9NZL ORAM James368,60312
10BEL ORINS Robin388,6020
11NZL SEXTON Tom1.712,9090
12NZL STEWART Campbell1.773,901038
13NZL WATTS Kiaan433,2030
14NZL WHITE Alexander1.167,8060
15NZL YATES Joel414,9037

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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