Sui Astana (AST) - PRO
General Manager: BIVER Marc (SUI)
Sports Director: KUMMER Mario (GER); BAFFI Adriano (ITA); FIDANZA Giovanni (ITA); SHEFER Alexandr (KAZ)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

  Nbr       Rider   Kilometers   RaceDays   CQ  
1BEL ABAKOUMOV Igor6.275,704066
2KAZ BAZAYEV Assan8.443,6051123
3ESP COLOM MAS Antonio7.485,8046198
4NED DE KORT Koen8.096,905493
5SUI FREI Thomas6.286,004210
6KAZ GOUROV Maxim9.795,506262
7AUT HASELBACHER René6.448,2040141
8KAZ IGLINSKIY Maxim9.698,4060176
9RUS IVANOV Sergey10.435,606160
10LUX JOACHIM Benoît10.505,9070101
11KAZ KASHECHKIN Andrey6.251,6041441
12AUS KEMPS Aaron7.310,2050172
13GER KESSLER Matthias5.958,8036102
14GER KLÖDEN Andreas7.896,1049886
15KAZ KOLESSOV Alexey4.791,803324
16FRA MAZET Julien6.206,604468
17ITA MAZZOLENI Eddy6.074,6040414
18RUS MIKHAILOV Gennady7.921,505183
19KAZ MIZOUROV Andrey9.385,5063236
20SUI MORABITO Steve10.458,8070238
21KAZ MURAVYEV Dmitriy8.718,3052132
22ESP NAVARRO GARCIA Daniel9.008,405775
23SUI RAST Gregory12.136,6073422
24ESP REDONDO RAMOS Jose Antonio5.098,0034109
25ITA SAVOLDELLI Paolo8.825,0056515
26SUI SCHÄR Michael7.595,2050141
27KAZ SLADKOV Evgeniy5.812,703814
28KAZ VINOKOUROV Alexandr7.171,8046498
29KAZ YAKOVLEV Sergey8.005,105070

* Only races of category .1 or above and finished races are counted!

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