Usa US Postal Service (USP) - TT1
Website: -
General Manager: GORSKI Mark (USA)
Sports Director: BRUYNEEL Johan (BEL)
Ass. Sports Director: DEMOL Dirk (BEL)
Representative: OSIPOW Dan (USA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
USA ANDREU Frankie26/09/1966367110344134  
USA ARMSTRONG Lance18/09/19715152041894
BEL BOONEN Tom15/10/1980--101219 Trainee as from 1/09
GBR BURROW Jamie23/01/1977--71941 
USA CASEY Dylan13/04/197030314343697  
NZL DEAN Julian28/01/197523119866547  
RUS EKIMOV Viatcheslav04/02/196614631767614 
RSA GEORGE David23/02/19768442460659 
USA HAMILTON Tyler01/03/197110541435746 
USA HINCAPIE George29/06/19735174090475
USA JEMISON Marty18/05/196531213943797 
LUX JOACHIM Benoît14/01/1976319129293165  
AUS JONKER Patrick25/05/196913633868345 
NOR KJAERGAARD Steffen24/05/197316029383030  
USA LABBE Kenny18/09/1971----  Contract from 5/05
USA LEIPHEIMER Levi24/10/1973218218335141 
USA LIVINGSTON Kevin24/05/1973233197426101  
USA O'BEE Kirk09/04/19778852115925  
USA VANDE VELDE Christian22/05/197621722254669 
FRA VASSEUR Cédric18/08/197010442458263 
BEL VERMAUT Stive22/10/197530714167746  
  Number of riders: 21  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2000.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2000.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2000).
(D) Points at the end of 2000).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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