Usa US Postal Service (USP) - TT1
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
USA ANDREU Frankie26/09/1966--367110  
USA ARMSTRONG Lance18/09/1971--51520
USA CASEY Dylan13/04/1970--303143  
NZL DEAN Julian28/01/1975--231198  
FRA DERAME Pascal25/07/1970--92120  
RSA GEORGE David23/02/1976--84424 
USA HAMILTON Tyler01/03/1971--105414 
USA HINCAPIE George29/06/1973--51740
DEN HØJ Frank04/01/1973--305141  
USA JEMISON Marty18/05/1965--312139 
LUX JOACHIM Benoît14/01/1976--319129  
USA LIVINGSTON Kevin24/05/1973--233197  
SWE MAGNUSSON Glenn05/07/1969--226204  
DEN MEINERT-NIELSEN Peter24/05/1966--78329  
USA VANDE VELDE Christian22/05/1976--217222 
USA VAUGHTERS Jonathan10/06/1973--114395  
  Number of riders: 16  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 1999.
(B) Points at the beginning of 1999.
(C) Ranking at the end of 1999).
(D) Points at the end of 1999).

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