Phi Standard Insurance PHI (SIP) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
PHI AZUR Jexxel Ehd14/05/2005----  
PHI BENITO Lance Allen24/05/2000----  
PHI CAMINGAO John Mark01/09/1993----  
PHI CARDAÑA Archie16/03/1995----  
PHI DOMINGO Andrei16/11/2005----  
PHI FARRE Adrianne Enrique20/05/2002----  
PHI GONZALO Matt Andrei08/10/2002----  
PHI HORA Esteve01/11/2000----  
PHI LIZARDO Jeremy07/09/2000----  
PHI LOMOTOS Ronald08/07/1994--20577  
PHI MORALES Jan Paul Montealegre28/01/1986----  
PHI NAVARRA Junrey Janjan01/02/1992--24354  
PHI OCONER George Luis08/02/1992--26932  
PHI ORANZA Ronald Nozuelo02/12/1992----  
PHI QUIRIMIT Shaanel Lance24/11/2005----  
PHI TABLIZO Steven Nicolas12/05/2003----  
  Number of riders: 16  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2024.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2024.
(C) Current ranking (on 27/09/2024).
(D) Current points (on 27/09/2024).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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