Bra Scott - Marcondes Cesar - Fadenp Sao Jose dos Campos (SCF) - CONT
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BRA ALRELIO JUNIOR Jose Paschoal20/11/1988----  
BRA DINIZ Alex Correia20/10/19858676183564  
BRA GOHR Soelito14/09/19738226523836 
BRA GONÇALVES Wanderlei25/11/1980----  
BRA MANARELLI Carlos Alexandre13/02/1989----  
BRA MAY Marcio22/05/19729285526924 
ARG MEDICI Matias29/06/197510594373377 
BRA NAZARET Magno Prado17/01/19867377994752  
BRA NICACIO Pedro Autran Dourado Dutra13/10/198153012286760  
BRA ROGELIN Daniel Valter13/10/197218051231451  
BRA SANTOS Cristiano Moura05/10/1980----  
BRA SANTOS Nilceu Aparecido14/07/197710394582764  
BRA SIDOTI Breno França16/03/198311543530671  
BRA SILVA Rafael Antonio14/03/1983----  
BRA SILVA Valcemar Justino27/02/1968--30691  
BRA SILVA Venderlei Gonçalves07/12/1979----  
BRA TAVARES Luis Carlos Amorim Ferrao27/09/197714941930661  
  Number of riders: 17  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2007.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2007.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2007).
(D) Points at the end of 2007).

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