Por Sabgal - Anicolor (SAT) - CONT
Website: fullracing.pt
Twitter: @GlassdriveQ8
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
POR BAPTISTA Gabriel Arantes28/04/2005----  
DEN BREGNHØJ Mathias11/11/199529023160895 
POR CARVALHO Andre Rodrigues31/10/19979274820697 
ESP CASTRILLO ZAPATER Jaime13/03/1996--23015 Contract from 7/08
POR DOMINGUES Duarte29/02/200425983-- 
POR FIGUEIREDO Frederico Jose Oliveira25/05/199176667165213 
ESP GARCIA JANEIRO Guillermo24/12/1999----  
DEN JOHANSEN Julius13/09/199957010576963  Contract from 15/03
POR MENDONÇA Luis Carlos Ribeiro Nunes16/01/19862172620667  
URU MOREIRA GUARINO Mauricio Jose18/07/199581060153815 Contract until 14/08
ESP MOSCARDO HERNANDEZ Oscar02/06/1998----  Contract until 19/05
RUS NYCH Artem21/03/1995506123320215 
GBR REES Oliver16/03/200116391420957  
POR REIS Rafael Ferreira15/07/19926807875165 
POR SILVA Tiago Caetanita13/05/2005----  
POR SOUSA Jose Miguel Teles16/07/1999--24564  
NED TOLHOEK Antwan29/04/199414841622945 Contract until 29/02
  Number of riders: 17  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2024.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2024.
(C) Current ranking (on 27/09/2024).
(D) Current points (on 27/09/2024).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to info@cqranking.com
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