Usa Team RadioShack (RSH) - PRO
General Manager: BRUYNEEL Johan (BEL)
Sports Director: GALLOPIN Alain (FRA); DEMOL Dirk (BEL); EKIMOV Viatcheslav (RUS); AZEVEDO Jose Bento Carvalho (POR)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
USA ARMSTRONG Lance18/09/197110945023005
NZL BENNETT George07/04/19902074985160Trainee as from 1/08
JPN BEPPU Fumiyuki10/04/1983569101310209
NZL BEWLEY Sam22/07/1987196710142120 
SLO BRAJKOVIC Janez18/12/19832995184565 
USA BUSCHE Matthew09/05/1985320194280228
POR CARDOSO Manuel Antonio Leal07/04/1983229262262238  
IRL DEIGNAN Philip07/09/198324255558104 
BEL HERMANS Ben08/06/198628022357658
USA HORNER Chris23/10/197118116371607
RSA HUNTER Robert22/04/1977336186287223 
ESP IRIZAR ARANBURU Markel05/02/1980380161255242 
USA KING Benjamin22/03/1989411149524115 
GER KLÖDEN Andreas22/06/19758354837829  
POL KWIATKOWSKI Michal02/06/199063487194303 
USA LEIPHEIMER Levi24/10/197389529221126 
FRA LEQUATRE Geoffroy30/06/1981326190349187 
POR MACHADO Tiago Jose Pinto18/10/19855070280572
USA MCCARTNEY Jason03/09/1973142320131324  
AUS MCEWEN Robbie24/06/19723486488537 
KAZ MURAVYEV Dmitriy02/11/197985952406158  
POR OLIVEIRA Nelson Filipe Santos Simoes06/03/1989409150527114 
AUS PARKER Dale12/05/1992----  Trainee as from 1/08
POR PAULINHO Sergio Miguel Moreira26/03/198046912682762
UKR POPOVYCH Yaroslav04/01/19808425466984 
SUI RAST Gregory17/01/1980293210241260 
BEL ROSSELER Sébastien15/07/1981355175200295  
RUS ROVNY Ivan30/09/19876708072776 
USA SELANDER Bjorn28/01/1988198510120030 
NZL SERGENT Jesse08/07/1988119930146394 
RUS SHALUNOV Evgeny08/01/1992--20279  Trainee as from 1/08
ESP ZUBELDIA AGIRRE Haimar01/04/197775570169347 
  Number of riders: 32  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2011.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2011.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2011).
(D) Points at the end of 2011).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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