Bel T.Palm - Pôle Continental Wallon (PCW) - CONT
Sports Director: PIETERARENS Pascal (BEL)
Representative: PIRARD Mathieu (BEL)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BEL BARATTO Jonathan27/09/1991----  
BEL CONVENS Louis05/12/1993----
BEL DECHESNE Julien10/04/1991----  
BEL GREMELPONT Axel25/06/1990----  
NZL HAMBROOK Kieran16/02/1991----  
BEL MARION Gaëtan19/02/1984----  
LUX PONS Gaëtan01/01/1992---- 
BEL SCIASCIA Sébastien13/07/1991----  
BEL SENY Alexandre22/06/1994----  
BEL VAN CRAEN Toshoni09/02/1992---- 
BEL VAN DE MAELE Glenn06/09/1989---- 
BEL VANSUMERE Ian14/06/1990----  
BEL VEKEMAN Maxime14/09/1993---- 
NZL VESSEY Tom22/12/1994----
BEL YDENS Andrew23/08/1989--170414 
  Number of riders: 15  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2013.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2013.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2013).
(D) Points at the end of 2013).

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