Cro Meridiana - Kamen Team (MKT) - CONT
Prestigio > Guerciotti
Sports Director: GIALLORENZO Antonio (ITA)
Ass. Sports Director: PARRELLA Arsenio (ITA); POLONCIC Vinko (CRO); GIALLORENZO Gennaro (ITA)
Representative: GRZINIC Ivica (CRO)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
CRO BARBIR Marko04/08/1992----  Contract until 11/05
CRO BECIROVIC Jasmin01/10/1992----  Contract until 5/07
ITA BIONDO Maurizio15/05/1981--152517 
SLO BONCA Blaz06/07/1989----  
ITA CESARO Roberto12/04/19861993984759  
ITA DI LORENZO Alberto22/04/198215681628811 
ITA GIALLORENZO Mariano07/08/1982----  
CRO GRUBIC Luka09/08/198916321521217  
CRO IVANCEC Alen04/06/1991----  
CRO IVANCIC Marko24/12/1989----  
GBR MCLEAN David27/04/1984----  Contract until 19/09
CRO POTOCKI Pavel25/12/1993--28192  
CRO RADOTIC Bruno28/06/19832111720877  
ITA REBELLIN Davide09/08/197134889233276  Contract from 12/05
ITA ROSSI Enrico05/05/1982--65093 
GER SINKEWITZ Patrik20/10/1980112434112134 Contract from 20/09
CRO SIROL Endi20/06/1992----  Contract from 6/07
CRO SPRAJC Luka12/07/1991----  
  Number of riders: 18  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2012.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2012.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2012).
(D) Points at the end of 2012).

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