Smr Miche - Silver Cross - Selle Italia (MIE) - CONT
Sports Director: TOZZI Marco (ITA)
Ass. Sports Director: KOLEV DZHABARSKI Todor (BUL); TOGNACCINI Giuseppe (ITA)
Representative: TOGNACCINI Mauro (ITA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
COL CARVAJAL JARAMILLO Edwin Andres06/03/1983--114332  
ESP GARCIA RENA Rodrigo27/02/198012153388248  
SMR GIANCECCHI Dario19/10/1983----  
ITA GIUNTI Massimo29/07/1974144395208292  
POL MAJKA Rafal12/09/1989--28293 Trainee as from 1/08
POL MARCZYNSKI Tomasz06/03/198432921181456
ITA MOLETTA Andrea23/02/197910064763484  
ITA MUTO Pasquale24/05/1980270254232264  
POL NIEMIEC Przemyslaw11/04/1980344198136404 
ITA PALANDRI Marino30/11/1985----  
SMR SARACINI Simone12/07/1983----  
SMR SCARPONI Filippo11/05/1982----  Contract until 25/06
SMR SCARPONI Giacomo20/09/1988----  
SMR SCARPONI Paolo25/11/1989----  
POL SZCZAWINSKI Krzysztof29/05/197910474477861  
ITA TONDO Pierpaolo25/06/198417451528942  
SMR VALENTINI Federico Alessandro22/01/1982----  Contract until 25/06
SMR ZAFFERANI Luca19/09/1982----  Contract from 26/06
SMR ZAFFERANI Marco15/12/1987----  Contract from 26/06
  Number of riders: 19  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2009.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2009.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2009).
(D) Points at the end of 2009).

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