Ita Mapei - Bricobi (MAP) - TT1
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      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
ITA BALLERINI Franco11/12/1964----  
ITA BRAMATI Davide28/06/1968---- 
ITA BUGNO Gianni14/02/1964----  
SUI CAMENZIND Oscar12/09/1971---- 
ITA CODOL Massimo27/02/1973---- 
ITA DI GRANDE Giuseppe07/09/1973----  
ITA FARESIN Gianni16/07/1965----  
ITA FIGUERAS Giuliano24/01/1976----  
ITA FRUTTI Matteo29/01/1975----  
RSA HUNTER Robert22/04/1977---- Trainee as from 1/09
BEL HUVAERE Wesley07/10/1977----  Trainee as from 1/09
ITA LANFRANCHI Paolo25/07/1968----  
BEL LEYSEN Bart10/02/1969----  
BEL MATTAN Nico17/07/1971---- 
ITA MISSAGLIA Gabriele24/07/1970----  
BEL MUSEEUW Johan13/10/1965---- 
ITA NARDELLO Daniele02/08/1972----  
BEL PEETERS Wilfried10/07/1964---- 
ITA PIANEGONDA Gianluca23/09/1968----  
POL SPRUCH Zbigniew13/12/1965----  
BEL STEELS Tom02/09/1971---- 
CZE SVORADA Jan28/08/1968---- 
ITA TAFI Andrea07/05/1966----  
RUS TONKOV Pavel09/02/1969----  
BEL VAN NUETEN Johan28/01/1975----  Trainee as from 1/09
BEL VANDENBROUCKE Frank06/11/1974---- 
ITA ZANINI Stefano23/01/1969---- 
  Number of riders: 27  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 1998.
(B) Points at the beginning of 1998.
(C) Ranking at the end of 1998).
(D) Points at the end of 1998).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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