Por Madeinox - BRIC - Loule (MAD) - CONT
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      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
POR CUNHA Marco Alexandre Ferreira28/02/198719151028433  
ESP FERNANDEZ HERMIDA Pedro25/03/197620118--  
POR GREGORIO Joaquim Antonio Bras22/10/1982----  
ESP MARQUE PORTO Alejandro Manuel23/10/198122925139325  
POR MARTA Nuno Duarte Silva28/11/197612532999846  
POR MARTINS Gilberto Manuel Gonçalves26/12/1980--25055  
POR MARTINS Lizuarte Manuel Gonçalves23/08/197812163121179  
POR OLIVEIRA Helder Jose Alves20/02/198322935161618  
POR SOUSA Fernando Silva09/03/1979--22947  
POR SOUSA Sergio Ferreira11/10/198311783425115  
POR VAZ Jose Jesus Rodrigues26/10/1981----  
POR VITAL Andre Moreira22/11/1982596106339197  
  Number of riders: 12  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2007.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2007.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2007).
(D) Points at the end of 2007).

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