Chn Li Ning Star (LNS) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
CHN BAI Lijun19/11/1988132321--  
BLR BIALIAUSKI Vasili21/12/1995----  
VEN CAMPOS Roniel27/07/199310253920607  Contract until 5/08
CHN LI Luhao10/08/199928521--  
CHN LI Tao28/06/2004----  Contract from 1/04
CHN LIAN Shuai19/08/2000----  
CHN LIU Yuze02/05/2004----  
NZL MUDGWAY Luke12/06/19968365787448 
CHN NIU Yikui02/08/19942164622925  
ROU RAILEANU Cristian24/01/1993389166355192  
CHN SHAO Junqi11/09/1998158715163314  
BLR SHNYRKO Aliaksei12/05/1994--21846 
CHN SUN Wentao17/12/2000----  
CHN ZHU Yanhong27/02/2001----  
  Number of riders: 14  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2024.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2024.
(C) Current ranking (on 27/09/2024).
(D) Current points (on 27/09/2024).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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