Esp Kelme - Costa Blanca (KEL) - TT1
Website: -
General Manager: MAS VENDRELL Joan (ESP)
Sports Director: BELDA VICEDO Vicente (ESP)
Ass. Sports Director: LABARTA BARRERA Jose Ignacio (ESP); LAGUIA MARTINEZ Jose Luis (ESP)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
COL BOTERO ECHEVERRY Santiago27/10/197236785151132  
ESP CABELLO LUQUE Francisco20/05/1969263186328175  
ESP CUENCA MARTINEZ Juan Miguel03/05/197752278143110  
ESP DE LOS ANGELES SEGUI Juan Jose21/02/197344998348166  
ESP GALVEZ LOPEZ Isaac20/05/1975105220268221  
ESP GARCIA QUESADA Carlos18/04/197817185207285  
ESP GOMEZ GOZALO Jose Javier18/03/197453674122216  
ESP GONZALEZ JIMENEZ Aitor27/02/19758949271557  
ESP GUTIERREZ CATALUÑA Ignacio01/12/1977106320141710  
ESP GUTIERREZ CATALUÑA Jose Enrique18/06/1974405114143389  
ESP JULIA CEGARRA Jose Cayetano01/07/1979--110420  
ESP LEON MANE Francisco22/05/1973386120120817  
ESP LOPEZ TORRELLA Joaquim16/05/1976102322--  
ESP LOZANO MONTERO Roberto04/06/19771733583239  
ESP MANZANO RUANO Jesus Maria12/05/19787664097628  
ESP MUÑOZ BAÑOZ David09/06/197913701162870  
ESP NAVARRETE GUTIERREZ Leandro14/05/1977--75450  
ESP OTERO GOMEZ Gustavo Miguel10/10/197381536127015  
ESP PASCUAL LLORENTE Javier30/03/1971235214460120  
ESP PEREZ FERNANDEZ Santiago05/08/197789629282204  
ESP RIERA VALLS Jordi09/04/1978--142210  
ESP RODRIGUEZ HERNANDEZ Alexis27/04/19777833875050  
ESP SEVILLA RIVERA Oscar Miguel29/09/19768149322976
ESP TAULER LLULL Antonio11/04/1974376122391145 
ESP USANO MARTINEZ Julian03/06/197511731694430  
ESP VALVERDE BELMONTE Alejandro25/04/1980--338170
ESP VICIOSO ARCOS Angel13/04/1977214241229261 
ESP VIDAL MARTINEZ Jose Angel21/10/196989330112220  
ESP ZABALLA GUTIERREZ Constantino15/05/19788333461275  
  Number of riders: 29  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2002.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2002.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2002).
(D) Points at the end of 2002).

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