Aus Team Jayco - AIS (JAI) - CONT
Sports Director: VICTOR James (AUS)
Ass. Sports Director: WHITE Matthew (AUS); MCPARTLAND David (AUS); MCKENZIE Ian (AUS); BATES Gene Michael (AUS); WALKER William (AUS)
Representative: TABOTTA Kevin (AUS)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
AUS AITKEN Nick01/01/199020031030121 
AUS CARVER Alex25/11/1991--28622  
AUS DONNELLY Aaron27/02/1991---- 
AUS DURBRIDGE Luke09/04/199110723780465 
AUS DYBALL Benjamin20/04/1989--27043 Contract from 20/02
AUS HEPBURN Michael17/08/199118341281664 
AUS HOWSON Damien13/08/1992--137622 
NZL KERBY Jordan15/08/1992---- 
AUS LANE Patrick29/08/1991--117032 
AUS LANG Richard23/02/1989--90255
AUS LOVELOCK-FAY Mitchell12/01/1992---- 
AUS MCCARTHY Jay08/09/1992--125927 
AUS RUDOLPH Malcolm04/01/198932051184511 
  Number of riders: 13  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2011.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2011.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2011).
(D) Points at the end of 2011).

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