Bul Hemus 1896 - Berneschi (HEM) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BUL ANGELOV Hristomir05/09/1987----  
ITA COCCO Angelo24/03/1980----  
BUL DEMIREV Svetozar Aleksandrov21/05/1982----  
BUL DIMITROV Veselin25/02/1987----  
BUL GOCHEV Yordan Stratiev10/06/1984----  
LAT GRINBERGS Kaspars16/08/1986----  
BUL KOEV Vladimir31/08/1979--89158  
BUL KOSTOV Atanas Kostov27/07/198122475--  
BUL MIKOV Atanas06/04/1986----  
BUL RALCHEVSKI IVANOV Plamen15/06/1984----  
MKD VELICHKOVSKI Sashe18/09/1986----  
BUL VELIKOV Serguey02/11/1981----  
BUL YORKISHEV Ivailo01/01/1984----  
  Number of riders: 13  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2006.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2006.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2006).
(D) Points at the end of 2006).

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