Tpe Giant Asia Racing Team (GNT) - TT3
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
AUS AITKEN Brett25/01/19711522896528  Contract from 18/07
GBR BRINDLE Matt29/09/1977----  Contract from 31/05
AUS CARR Christopher09/04/19771563894930  Contract from 11/05
NZL CHADWICK Glen Alan17/10/19769283169559  
TPE CHEN Zeh Long08/02/1976----  
AUS COTTAM Peter12/08/1979137112--  Contract from 31/05
KAZ DEREVYANOV Sergey07/08/1972115219--  
NZL GILBERT Matt21/08/1982----  Contract from 24/06
UZB IRATOV Damir15/01/1978115319--  
IRI KAZEMI SARAI Ahad22/05/197589134108120  Contract from 31/03
TPE LAI Kuan Hua23/07/1981----  
KAZ LAVRENENKO Sergey15/05/197211341993430  Contract from 18/07
TPE LIN Jen Chih25/07/1984----  Contract from 28/05
NZL MCCAULEY Gordon09/03/1972374154116216 Contract from 13/03 until 28/07
IRI MIZBANI IRANAGH Ghader06/12/197540214081241  Contract from 1/03
UZB MOMINOV Kahraman11/08/197218864--  
TPE PENG Kuei Hsiang31/12/1983----  
AUS REDENBACH Paul William11/04/197865964136611  
AUS ROLAND Mark12/01/197878744135411  
AUS STOCKWELL Luke30/12/1973----  Contract from 1/04 until 9/07
INA SUSANTO Tonton24/09/19738254015018  
MGL ULZIIORSHIKH Jamsran14/06/196776647103823  Contract until 26/03
TPE YU Hsia Long12/04/1978----  
TPE YU Hsiao Hua26/11/1979----  
  Number of riders: 24  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2003.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2003.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2003).
(D) Points at the end of 2003).

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