General Manager: MADIOT Marc (FRA)
Ass. Sports Director: MADIOT Yvon (FRA); GAYANT Martial (FRA); BRICAUD Thierry (FRA); PINEAU Franck (FRA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
FRA BONNAIRE Olivier02/03/198316041523095  
FRA BONNET William25/06/198228921359697
FRA BOUHANNI Nacer25/07/199087951459136 
FRA CASAR Sandy02/02/197978560163361  
FRA CHAINEL Steve06/09/198344213771378 
FRA COURTEILLE Arnaud13/03/19899184822616 
FRA DELAGE Mickaël06/08/1985561104222276 
FRA DEMARE Arnaud26/08/199185753425148 Trainee as from 1/08
FRA ELISSONDE Kenny22/07/19912407674374 Trainee as from 1/08
FRA FEDRIGO Pierrick30/11/19786561687546
FRA GERARD Arnaud06/10/198496444375174 
FRA GESLIN Anthony09/06/1980271228193303 
FRA GUESDON Frédéric14/10/1971438139552105  
BLR HUTAROVICH Yauheni29/11/198313937046751 
FRA JEANNESSON Arnold16/01/1986125526271231  
FRA LADAGNOUS Matthieu12/12/1984182306128437
BEL MEERSMAN Gianni05/12/1985384160147390
FRA MOUREY Francis08/12/1980109135149318 
FRA OFFREDO Yoann12/11/1986185304203295 
FRA PAURIOL Rémi04/04/1982344184283226 
FRA PINEAU Cédric08/05/19857656661493 
FRA PINOT Thibaut29/05/199025024162639
CAN ROLLIN Dominique29/10/1982366167340192 
FRA ROUX Anthony18/04/198722726554673 
FRA ROY Jérémy22/06/1983170320319205
FRA SCHMIDT Fabien23/03/1989--94549  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA SOUPE Geoffrey22/03/19882185865886 
AUS SULZBERGER Wesley20/10/1986342185376174 
FRA VAUGRENARD Benoît05/01/1982158334182511 
FRA VICHOT Arthur26/11/1988503120156371 
  Number of riders: 30  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2011.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2011.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2011).
(D) Points at the end of 2011).

28/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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