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Sports Director: MESA OROZCO Jose Raul (COL)
Ass. Sports Director: MESA UPEGUI Raul Dario (COL)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
COL BAEZ ALVAREZ Giovanny Manuel09/04/198174169398163  
COL BELTRAN SUAREZ Edward Alexander18/01/1990136423148219 
COL CASTAÑEDA ORTEGA Jaime Alberto29/10/198687451101643 
COL COLORADO HERNANDEZ Francisco Jarley13/05/1980103939-- 
COL GOMEZ PINEDA Javier Eduardo16/10/1991--181212  
COL GUALTERO GOMEZ Yamith23/07/1989----  
COL INFANTINO ABREU Rafael28/08/198414981890754 
COL ORTEGA RAMIREZ Mauricio22/10/1980----  
COL ORTIZ CARO Edward Stiver08/12/19807996023505 
COL OYOLA OYOLA Robigzon Leandro10/08/1988--20688  
COL PARRA BUSTAMENTE Heiner Rodrigo09/10/1991---- 
COL PARRA PINTO Ivan Ramiro14/10/1975193810188010 
COL PEDRAZA MORALES Walter Fernando27/11/198183256177312
COL PIAMONTE RODRIGUEZ Freddy Orlando04/06/198229342117431  
COL SUAREZ SUAREZ Juan Pablo30/05/1985563104293221 
COL VERGARA CARO Jaime12/06/198727194-- 
  Number of riders: 16  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2011.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2011.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2011).
(D) Points at the end of 2011).

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