Bra Clube DataRo de Ciclismo - Bottecchia (DAT) - CONT
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BRA BAENA Brayan Gabriel18/12/1991----  
URU CABRERA GONZALEZ Ramiro08/02/1988----  
BRA CHIARELLO William14/05/199127003145619  Contract from 20/06
BRA MELO Rodrigo Araujo30/07/1987155617--  Contract until 20/03
BRA MENDES Lucas Alberto15/10/1988----  
BRA ORMENESE Caio Godoy24/04/1995----  Contract until 9/04
BRA PANIZO Gregolry Alves Freitas12/05/19852066895948  
BRA ROSA Cristian Egidio04/09/19872794220158  
BRA ROUX Aquila12/09/1995---- Contract from 10/04
BRA SANTOS Nilceu Aparecido14/07/197718701024104  
BRA SANTOS Renato Aparecido31/01/1983--26952  
BRA SILVA Maique Lourenço04/09/1993----  Contract until 20/03
BRA SILVA Thiago Rodrigues30/01/1989----  
BRA VIEIRA Alcides Flaviano Simoes22/12/1981--158215  
BRA WEBER Cleberson Almeida18/08/198422636141420  
  Number of riders: 15  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2014.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2014.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2014).
(D) Points at the end of 2014).

1/07/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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