Ned Cycling Team Bert Story - Piels (BSP) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
NED ALLOO Mike12/08/1985----  
NED DE GRAAF Boudewijn24/07/1983--25942  
NED HONIG Reinier28/10/1983---- 
NED HORCK Jerden07/07/1985----  Contract until 22/06
NED KORNEGOOR Arne25/04/1981118517--  
NED LENFERINK Jasper02/12/1982----  
NED LENFERINK Maarten23/07/198113681225792  
NED VAN DER BURG Germ09/11/197795331-- 
NED VAN EMDEN Jos18/02/1985----Contract from 20/06
NED VAN GULIK Fulco01/08/19798683920537  
NED VAN PELT Jurgen01/11/197310552425772  
NED VAN PUTTEN Mike06/09/1986----  
NED VAN STIPHOUT Addy12/12/1986----  
NED VRIEND Rudy07/05/1981--23045  
NED WALLAARD Arno13/10/19798703874373  
NED WALLAARD Freek30/01/1986----  
  Number of riders: 16  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2005.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2005.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2005).
(D) Points at the end of 2005).

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