Pol Atlas - Ambra - Lukullus (ATL) - TT2
Website: -
General Manager: PIERONI Piero (ITA)
Sports Director: BANASZEK Dariusz (POL)
Ass. Sports Director: CHOJNACKI Jaroslaw (POL)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
MDA BONCIUCOV Igor16/03/19738792667550  
POL CHRZANOWSKI Slawomir24/01/196911291579038  Contract from 30/09
POL KRASINSKI Artur18/06/1971--14699  
POL LEWANDOWSKI Marcin10/10/197790624118815  
POL LISOWICZ Tomasz23/02/197775936128713  
POL MACIEJEWSKI Marek06/06/19779712118614  
POL MICKIEWICZ Jacek17/04/197033314273643  
POL MIKOLAJCZYK Przemyslaw02/03/19708083215368  
POL PAWLAK Wojciech31/10/196941610464156  
SVK PRAZDNOVSKY Martin22/10/19751336915098  
POL RADOSZ Robert08/07/19755217577639  
POL RYCHLICKI Pawel02/06/1971----  
POL RYSZEWSKI Jaroslaw19/05/1976----  
POL SAPA Marcin10/02/19768492860262 
POL ZARADNY Piotr16/02/1972121412128513  
  Number of riders: 15  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2001.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2001.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2001).
(D) Points at the end of 2001).

29/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to info@cqranking.com
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