Fra Agritubel (AGR) - PCT
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General Manager: FORNES David (FRA)
Sports Director: LEPROUX Denis (FRA); HUBERT Emmanuel (FRA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
FRA AGNOLUTTO Christophe06/12/1969323175477138  
LTU BALCIUNAS Linas14/02/197817974212286  
LTU BARANAUSKAS Aivaras06/04/1980138012102141  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA BERGES Stéphane09/01/197511441963794  
FRA BRARD Florent07/02/1976278203344191 
FRA BUFFAZ Mickaël21/05/19791477971082 
FRA CANOUET Gilles20/01/1976--88056  
FRA CHOLLET Romain30/12/1983----  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA COUTOULY Cédric26/01/1980--67987  
FRA CROSBIE Nicolas02/04/1980--22655  
FRA FEILLU Romain16/04/1984--114733Trainee as from 1/08
FRA GIROUT Alexandre27/04/1982----  
AUS JOHNSON Benjamin07/01/1983---- 
FRA LAURENT Christophe26/07/1977125115156615  
ESP MARTINEZ TRINIDAD Jose Alberto10/09/1975175303323203  
FRA OLIVIER Lénaïc17/11/197768961529123  
FRA ROBIN Denis27/06/19791510918829  
LTU RUSKYS Saulius18/04/1974482108117930  
FRA SALMON Benoît09/05/1974339168408166  
FRA STAELEN Marc20/07/1981----  
  Number of riders: 20  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2005.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2005.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2005).
(D) Points at the end of 2005).

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