ETH ATSBHA Getachew Yohanes
  26/06/1996 UCI ID: 10016282139  
 Current CQ-value:

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  Date   Cat.       Rank   Race   CQ  
2016 Elite-2
 2/09/20162.2Eth 3Tour Ethiopian Meles Zenawi14 
 1/09/20162.2sEth 3Tour Ethiopian Meles Zenawi, Stage 4 : Mekele - Endemariam1 
 16/06/2016NC5Eth 2National Championships Ethiopia (Mek’ele) R.R.10 
 12/06/2016NCT5Eth 1National Championships Ethiopia (Mek'ele) I.T.T.7 
  Total 2016: 32  
2015 Elite-2
 9/02/2015CCTRsa 3African Cycling Championships (Wartburg) T.T.T.2 
  Total 2015: 2  
2014 Elite-2
 23/11/20142.2Rwa 14Tour of Rwanda1 
  Total 2014: 1  
2013 Elite-2
 24/11/20132.2Rwa 7Tour of Rwanda6 
  Total 2013: 6  
2012 Elite-2
 25/11/20122.2Rwa 4Tour of Rwanda12 
 10/06/20122.2sRwa 2Kwita Izina Tour, Stage 3 : Rubavu - Kigali2 
  Total 2012: 14  
  Overall total: 55  

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