POR PEREIRA Joao Pedro Mendonça
  14/06/1989 UCI ID: 10007638025  
 Current CQ-value:
© Banco BIC - Carmim
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  Date   Cat.       Rank   Race   CQ  
2014 Banco BIC - Carmim
 9/11/20142.1Chn 26Tour of Taihu Lake3 
  Total 2014: 3  
2013 Banco BIC - Carmim
 10/11/20132.1Chn 18Tour of Taihu Lake7 
 31/07/20131.1Esp 16Circuito de Getxo - Memorial Ricardo Otxoa5 
 21/07/20132.2Por 6GP Torres Vedras - Trofeu Joaquim Agostinho7 
 23/06/2013NC3Por 13National Championships Portugal (Pataias) R.R.3 
  Total 2013: 22  
  Overall total: 25  

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