13/04/1977 UCI ID: 10001189949  
 Current CQ-value:
© Sasa Despot
Teams & Results Photos Stats

  Year       Team   Class   Rank   Points   Results   Results  
2013Slo SavaCONT71976AllPoints
2011Tur Manisaspor Cycling TeamCONT-0AllPoints
→ Contract from 11/03
2010Fra Ag2r La MondialePRO76165AllPoints
2009Fra Ag2r La MondialePRO89514AllPoints
2008Fra Ag2r La MondialePRO161377AllPoints
2007Ita Lampre - FonditalPRO56678AllPoints
2006Ita LamprePRO249253AllPoints
2005Sui Phonak Hearing SystemsPRO131395AllPoints
2004Sui Phonak Hearing SystemsTT180512AllPoints
2003Ita Fassa BortoloTT199449AllPoints
2002Ita Fassa BortoloTT1163356AllPoints
2001Ita Fassa BortoloTT1240211AllPoints
2000Ita Fassa BortoloTT1247209AllPoints
 All yearsAll Points 

  CQ-value History  
  Red = Year Value
Blue = Current Value
  Rider Comment  

In May 2010, the UCI suspenede Tadej VALJAVEC because of a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules on the basis of the information provided by the blood profile in his biological passport. In July, he was cleared by the Slovenian Federation as there was not enough evidence to open disciplinary proceedings against him. UCI appealed against this decision at the CAS. In April 2011, Valjavec was suspended by the CAS for 2 years, until 20 January 2013.


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