Bol  Doble Copacabana GP Fides, Stage 5b : San Pedro de Tiquina - Copacabana (40 km) 10/11/2007  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader BOL  SOLIZ VILLCA Oscar - 20h36'28" 2 
 1. BOL  SOLIZ VILLCA Oscar - 1h01'29" 4 
 2. COL  GOMEZ ARCHILA Camilo Andres - 01'09" 2 
 3. MEX  ALDAPE CHAVEZ Antonio - 01'09" 1 
 4. COL  CEPEDA CUERVO Wilson Fernando - 01'09" 0 
 5. ECU  CALPA CARDENAS Ramiro Juvenal - 01'09" 0 
 6. COL  NIÑO CORREDOR Victor - 01'09" 0 
 7. GUA  AJCU VELASQUEZ Lizandro Roberto - 01'09" 0 
 8. ECU  CHILES HUACA Hector Ruben - 01'09" 0 
 9. PER  BUSTAMANTE LOZA Jorge - 01'09" 0 
 DQ COL  NIÑO CORREDOR Libardo - 1h01'29" 0 

  Race Comment  

Libardo NINO CORREDOR (Col) initially won Stage 5b, but tested positive for the use of EPO after the Pan American Games Time Trial. He is therefore disqualified from this stage, and does not earn any CQ points.


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